Privacy Policy

Privacy & Cookies

Information on data protection for visiting the site

These information on data protection relating to the use of the site (hereinafter referred to as "site") come into force on 25/05/2018.

PDIGITAL Srls with administrative headquarters in VIA ROMA 275 CAP 80017 MELITO DI NAPOLI (NA) and operational headquarters in Caserta at via Alois 27, registered with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of NAPLES at n. NA - 1030974 Of the register of the companies, match iva n. 09417221216 in its function of responsible unit (hereinafter also referred to as "Parure") informs users that following use of the site their data will be subject to processing, in particular:

personal data (eg. e-mail address, name, surname, title, address, telephone number, hereinafter referred to as "data" or "personal data") that are made available by users in case of registration on the site (e.g. for contact requests and newsletter subscription);
personal data transmitted by users' internet browsers each time they access the site and which are stored in log files, also known as server log files. This data includes: IP address (internet protocol address) of the accessing computer; name of the page to which the user has access; date and time of access; URL from which the user has access to the site; number of data transmitted; status notification for successful access; session ID number.
Purpose of data processing
Maricaabate, as the responsible unit, processes the personal data of the users of the site for the following purposes:

processing of user requests (e.g. management of contact requests, management of contact orders for periodic newsletters in electronic format containing promotional information);
make it possible for users to register on the site;
technical administration of the site and operational functions, including the solution of technical problems, statistical analysis, tests and research;
avoid fraudulent activities or abuses on the site or in relation to it;
comply with the requirements of the laws in force, to protect the safety of the individual and the rights and property of Parure and to prevent deceptions or problems of safety or technical nature.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is constituted by art. 6 I lett. a, b and f of the GDRP. The legitimate interest of MaricaAbate derives from the processing of personal data for direct advertising purposes pursuant to art. 6 I lett. f of the GDRP.
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